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Jonathan Bernis - Rabbi looks at the supernational

(Artikelnr: 9780800797867)
Dispelling the confusion, misinformation and doubt so prevalent today, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis takes readers on an adventure into the heart of the supernatural realm in A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural Realm. Drawing from both Old and New Testaments, Bernis transports you beyond the five senses to unveil the biblical truth regarding seven specific areas of confusion and doubt many Christians face, including such topics as angels and demons, miracles, heaven and hell, and good and evil. A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural Realm reveals the heart of a faithful God who invites and longs for you to embrace with confidence His supernatural work within your own life in the here and now. Paperback - 192 pages - 21.6 x 14 cm
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Elian International


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