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Samy Tanagho - Glad news

(Artikelnr: 9780802416582)
Offering answers to Muslims' biggest questions about Christianity, Samy Tanagho'sGlad News! shares Jesus and his teachings with Muslims in an attractive, clear, convincing, and uncompromising manner. Tanagho offers insight that equips Christians to understand the common sticking points many Muslims have about Christianity so that they can share Jesus more effectively. Muslim readers ofGlad News! will not only encounter the beauty and legitimacy of the Christian faith and receive answers to many of their most burning questions, but also grapple with evidence that proves Jesus is more than a prophet, thereby revealing and making accessible all they need to know for believing in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The gap between Muslims and Christians is wide, as are the many cultural gaps that may exist between them.Glad News!will bridge those gaps, giving Christians insight into Muslim convictions and language for dialoguing about matters of faith and belief. Paperback - 288 pages - 21.6 x 14 cm
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Elian International


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