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Batterson, Mark - Do it for a day

Batterson, Mark - Do it for a day Batterson, Mark - Do it for a day Batterson, Mark - Do it for a day
Batterson, Mark - Do it for a day Batterson, Mark - Do it for a day Batterson, Mark - Do it for a day
Batterson, Mark - Do it for a day
Trapped in a cycle of negative behavior and want out? Let Batterson help close the gap between who you are now and who you want to be! Just choose one problem and apply seven life-changing...



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Trapped in a cycle of negative behavior and want out? Let Batterson help close the gap between who you are now and who you want to be! Just choose one problem and apply seven life-changing behaviors over 30 days. Discover how to flip the script, cut the rope, seed the clouds, and more. 208 pages, hardcover


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