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Caine, Christine - Unashamed

(Artikelnr: 9780310351351)
Shame tends to wrap itself around our hearts like a net that can be hard to untangle. Wounds from childhood such as bullying, abuse, or divorce wreak havoc on our souls. But you can break free from these traps by clinging to God's truth, dropping the baggage and living your destiny to the fullest.. InUnashamed, Christine Caine shares that, in order to change the future, you have to believe that God is bigger than your mistakes, inadequacies, past, and limitations. As one who has been there, she helps women find freedom from believing they are fundamentally flawed and unworthy of acceptance, and prepares them to step into their future, confident, dearly loved, created for a divine purpose, and empowered to be shame-lifters for others.. Hardcover - 224 Pages - 22.2x14.6x2.5cm
Preis pro :
€ 19,50
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