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Cricket Keeth - On bended knee

(Artikelnr: 9780802419194)
On Bended Knee is an 8-week (40-day) daily Bible Study for anyone wishing to deepen their intimacy with God in prayer. Each week's lesson provides five days of study. Each day contains four sections:.
  1. .
  2. Looking to God's Word directs you to the Scripture for that day, guiding you through observation and interpretation questions.
  3. .
  4. Looking Upward challenges you to wrestle with thought-provoking questions and promotes group discussion.
  5. .
  6. Looking Deeper encourages you to look at additional passages that will deepen your study.
  7. .
  8. Looking Reflectively focuses on application and reflection of the lesson.
  9. . .
. Learn how to pray from the heart like the prophets, warriors, and kings you'll be reading about.
Preis pro :
€ 18,50 € 14,95
Anzahl: Kaufen








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