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Fisher, Julia Understanding modern Israel

(Artikelnr: 9780857219985)
Julia Fisher encourages us to think again about God's plans and purposes for Israel. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

In 1998 Julia Fisher spent time in Israel working as a broadcast journalist. That visit signalled the start of a quest to find out more about the biblical relevance of the region and what God is doing there through the lives of believers who live there today – Jews, Israeli Arabs, and Palestinians. 

In this study, Julia looks at the story of Israel from a biblical perspective. Her belief is that when we do this, we are taken above the level of politics and opinion to another realm altogether: it takes us to the Bible where we find the history, and the future, of Israel told in great detail. 

This is a book of stories stretching back four thousand years, coming right up to date with true-life stories that are emerging today – and even taking a glance into the future.

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€ 21,50
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