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Frost, Michael - Keep Christianity Weird

Frost, Michael   - Keep Christianity Weird Frost, Michael   - Keep Christianity Weird Frost, Michael   - Keep Christianity Weird Frost, Michael   - Keep Christianity Weird
Frost, Michael   - Keep Christianity Weird Frost, Michael   - Keep Christianity Weird Frost, Michael   - Keep Christianity Weird Frost, Michael   - Keep Christianity Weird
Frost, Michael - Keep Christianity Weird
Many Christians have become comfortable letting the world mold them instead of being set apart by God. And many churches have traded in their biblical roots for complacent conventionality. But...



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Many Christians have become comfortable letting the world mold them instead of being set apart by God. And many churches have traded in their biblical roots for complacent conventionality. But Jesus and the church are anything but conventional. The hallmark of our faith is that it sees the world differently than the world sees itself


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