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Lucado, Max Hermie: a common caterpillar

(Artikelnr: 9781400301263)
Children will love Max Lucado's delightful character--a common caterpillar named Hermie! But Hermie doesn't like being common. He doesn't have stripes or fancy spots, and he doesn't think he's very special at all. But together with his friend, Wormie, they talk to God about their troubles, and children will see, through this extraordinary tale, that God has made each one of us unique and he wants us all to be like Jesus. With vivid and heart-warming illustrations, this board book is the perfect way to engage young minds with a spell binding story and the message of God's special purpose for each of His children. Recommended for ages 4 and under.-. 15.2x15.2cm - Ages 1-4-. Series: Hermie & Friends
Preis pro :
€ 8,50
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