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McKinley, Mike - Friendship with God: A Path to Deeper Fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit (Hardback)

McKinley, Mike - Friendship with God: A Path to Deeper Fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit (Hardback)
McKinley, Mike - Friendship with God: A Path to Deeper Fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit (Hardback)
What does it mean to be friends with God? Each chapter of this book takes a key insight from John Owen’s Communion with God and clarifies it for modern readers. ...



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What does it mean to be friends with God? Each chapter of this book takes a key insight from John Owen’s Communion with God and clarifies it for modern readers. 

Publisher: Crossway Books
ISBN: 9781433584152
Number of pages: 184
Weight: 299 g
Dimensions: 203 x 133 mm


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