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Mclaughlin, Rebecca Exploring the earliest gospel

Mclaughlin, Rebecca  Exploring the earliest gospel
Mclaughlin, Rebecca Exploring the earliest gospel
Introduce your kids to the Bible like never before! In  Exploring the Earliest Gospel , Rebecca McLaughlin and her two young theologian daughters provide an engaging and interactive Bible...



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€ 19,95
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Introduce your kids to the Bible like never before! In Exploring the Earliest Gospel, Rebecca McLaughlin and her two young theologian daughters provide an engaging and interactive Bible study through the book of Mark. Through sixty-six days of fun and fast-paced study, your kids will get to understand more of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and will learn how to observe, interpret, and apply God’s Word to their lives.
22.8 cm
15.2 cm
1.1 cm


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