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Tim Lucas - Liquid church

(Artikelnr: 9780310100102)
Liquid Churchtells the fascinating story of a New Jersey church that began on accident and grew into one of America's 100 Fastest-Growing Churches, with over 5,000 in weekly attendance and more than 2,400 baptisms to date. Their secret? They harnessed the power of six powerful ministry currents sweeping across North America including: special needs, creative communication, ministry mergers, compassionate cause, radical generosity, and leadership development.. With powerful stories and scriptural insights, backed by national research, Tim Lucas and Warren Bird describe dozens of fresh ideas, new ministry wineskins, and hard-won leadership learnings that resonate with rising generations in today's show-then-tell culture. Each chapter includes practical tools, real-life examples, and links to Other Churches Making Waves with cutting-edge ministry ideas designed to help saturate your city for Christ.
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€ 19,95 € 17,95
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